terça-feira, 10 de novembro de 2020




Professor (a): Telma

Turma: 3ª A - Ensino Médio

Disciplina: Língua Inglesa

Canal de resposta: telmab@professor.educacao.sp.gov.br

Prazo de envio: Até o dia 20/11/2020.

Período de envio: Semana de 09/11 à 13/11/2020.

Material utilizado: Caderno do aluno SP faz escola, livro didático, pesquisa, dicionário.

Tarefas: Let’s Celebrate Evolution

“Myths and Misconceptions” and “What is Darwin’s Theory of Evolution?”

a) Watch the videos “Myths and Misconceptions” and “What is Darwin’s Theory of Evolution?”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZt1Gn0R22Q (Access in September 11th, 2020).

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w56u2gv8XLs (Access in September 11th, 2020).

b) Interview your friend. Follow the model:

You: What do you think about Darwin’s and Lamarck’s theory?

Lamarck believed that the long necks of giraffes evolved as generations of giraffes reached for ever higher leaves. He also

proposed that organisms were driven from simple to increasingly more complex forms.

Darwin believed thatthe desires of animals have nothing to do with how they evolve and that changes in an organism

during its life do not affect the evolution of the species. He said that organisms, even ofthe same species, are all different

and that those which happen to have variations that help them tosurvive in their environments survive andhave more


There are some myths and misconceptions about their theory, but they are very interesting and can help us to reflect on

where we came from and where we are going.

You: What is your opinion concerning Life Evolution?

In my opinion, life evolution can be the real survival of the fittest because we have to fight for our goals.

You: According to the videos, how could you imagine the future?

Probably the knowledge of human beings and the diversity will get stronger and some animals will be able to use the cell


You: Which career do you intend to follow?

I want to be a Scientist.

You: Tell me about your plans.

I am studying to go to university to be a Scientist. I wish to research the cure for some diseases.

You: Did you reflect on what you are going to do in the future?

I wish to help sick people. Researching on diseases can prolong people’s lives, helping them to live longer and better.

2 a) Follow the model of the page 145, and do a timeline about your past, your present and wishes for your future.

Orientações: Leia os textos e responda ao que se pede. Consulte seus registros escritos, anotações sobre o conteúdo,

acompanhe as aulas do Centro de Mídias, dicionário etc.

Observações: Sequência de atividade de 4º Bimestre. Não deixe de responder e enviar ao canal de resposta acima

indicado, informe sua série e nome completo.

Semana de 09/11 à 13/11/2020.  

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